Why Futurale?

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We use the world's first intelligent strategic foresight platform. PIAPS SYSTEM is totally designed and launched by the specialists and international experts of FUTURALE.


We benefit from experts in different fields, specialists, businessmen, business leaders, experienced advisers


FUTURALE is the only company in Canada that delivers various international certificates in various areas of Project Management, Professional skills, Business ranking and Startups


We work closely with our international partners such as companies, universities, research centers and economic and financial institutions


We organize with the collaboration of various institutions, specialized training, practical workshops and races, Advanced Master Classes and professional business coaching which guarantee professional success of individuals as well as companies

Why Futurale Canada?

In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to anticipate and navigate future trends is more crucial than ever. A College of Strategic Foresight equips both students and managers with the skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic environment. Here’s how:

For Students:

Future-proof careers: Strategic foresight empowers students to identify emerging industries and professions. This allows them to tailor their education and skills to be in high demand for future job markets.

Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Strategic foresight training fosters critical thinking skills necessary to analyze trends, identify potential disruptions, and develop solutions for future challenges.

Become adaptable and resilient: Learning to anticipate change allows students to be more adaptable and resilient in the face of unexpected events and market shifts.

Gain a competitive edge: Graduates of a Futurale College will stand out to potential employers, demonstrating their forward-thinking approach and ability to contribute innovative strategies in a fast-paced world.

For Managers:

Informed decision-making: Managers gain the tools to analyze future trends and develop data-driven strategies that position their organizations for long-term success.

Identify and mitigate risks: Strategic foresight allows managers to anticipate potential threats and proactively develop risk mitigation strategies to ensure business continuity.

Innovation and competitive advantage: Managers can utilize foresight to identify emerging opportunities and develop innovative products and services that give their companies a competitive edge.

Sustainability and resource management: Strategic foresight helps leaders make informed decisions about resource allocation and sustainability practices, ensuring future growth potential.

Preparing the workforce: Managers can utilize foresight to identify future skillsets needed by their workforce and invest in training programs ensuring a future-ready team.

Futurale College goes beyond the traditional prospectus:

Scenario planning: Students and managers learn to develop alternative future scenarios and their implications, allowing for preparedness across different situations.


Emerging technologies: The Futurale College equips them to understand the impact of new technologies like AI and automation on industries and develop strategies to leverage their potential.

Global context: Strategic foresight incorporates a global perspective, helping students and managers understand how international trends can influence their careers and organizations.

By focusing on the challenges, Futurale College empowers both students and managers to navigate the complexities of a changing world, make informed decisions, and build stronger careers and organizations for the future.